
Check here, here, and here. Those are good places for basic info that I've found so far. Just keep looking around. Also, you could look at people's grow journals, that has helped me understand how it all works as well.


Active Member
Really depends on your setup and the type of plant you are growing. Autoflower plants can produce buds under 18 hours of light, but everything else has to have the lights changed to 12 on and 12 off to induce flowering. As far as how much water you need, it will depend on what you are growing it in, how big it is, and what temps you are running. If you are growing in soil, watering every few days is the norm, just wait until the top inch or so of the soil is dry, but make sure you water before the soil receeds (shrinks) from the side of the pot. If you are going hydro, some setups require feeding constantly (automated systems) or you can choose to hand water the plants; I use promix for some and rockwool for others, and I will end up feeding them around evvery 2-3 days, but I will usually wait until I see a little leaf droop before I feed to insure the roots have stretched out a little.