

Active Member
Attatched are several pics of my plants 2 weeks into flowering (12/12). I grew them from seeds, and I am afraid these two are male. Any imput would be great!!! I need to hurry and figure out whether to cut them down or not.

The bags are not hard to the touch, do they bloom, and anyone got a pic example???

Thanks a million!!!!!



Active Member
kill the male, save the female. Why do you care about cutting the male, it's not gonig to produce any buds, and keeping it around risks the chance of it pollenating your girl. Also, IF pollen has already spread in your grow area than it will remain active until sprayed w/ water


Active Member
kill the male, save the female. Why do you care about cutting the male, it's not gonig to produce any buds, and keeping it around risks the chance of it pollenating your girl. Also, IF pollen has already spread in your grow area than it will remain active until sprayed w/ water

Sweet, I was trying to confirm they were males. I removed them and am drying them for hash. I knew in my head they were males, I just didnt feel it in my heart. Damn it. Oh well, I got some AK-48 coming with all females...Keeping my fingers crossed!


Active Member
hope you did not kill both of them since pic 3 kinda looks like a female... If I am not mistaken those looks like pistils to me.... :leaf: