Help!! Yellowing leaves with brownish/greenish shiny spots

Please help! The first pic is a close up of an affected leaf from a plant in its fifth week of flowering.weed1.jpg The second is a close up from a plant moved into the flowering room this week. weed2.jpg On both leaves the discolored lesions are fairly crispy.I recently came into a free starter kit from technaflora and began using those nutrients at the beginning of this week. (I flushed all the plants, both veg and flowering, before using the new nutes) Could this just be nute burn? Or is it some deficiency? Or too much salt locking up the plant's nutes? or possibly some kind of mold/fungus?? ..please no!! lol I've consulted other threads and my grow bibles to no avail... ;(Please help this novice grower save her lil ladies!!! :confused: Thanks to all!!:peace:


Active Member
I had the same problem with one of mine and not to longer after it started showing those signs it died. I tried flushing it also but it didn't work if only one plant has it I suggest to get it out of there it will infect all your other plants like it did mine