Help yellowing leafs

so i need sum help ok so i know the bottom leafs edges are yellow but thats from nute burn and i cut back on nutes so wat i am really wondering is why are those top leafs like full yellow i give the plant 2 cups a water a day and nutes every other day all the other leafs are green just those like 5 leafs on the top top is almost full yell but now curling or anything leafs look healthy but yellow.

see the yellow top leafs


i water 1 time a day with 2 cups water at 1:30, my lights turn on at 9:00am and turn off at 9:00pm so wat could i be doing wrong cuz the plant is like 3 to 4 feet tall so 2 cups sounds about right for that big of a plant and the dirt is so hard from roots that i cant even get my finger in the dirt to check how wet it is and it was an outdoor that i put indoor to flower and it all worked very well its in its 3rd week goin on the 4th week of flowering and the yellow started like a week ago.

see the big fan leaf with my hand next to it now look how lime green and droopy the big fan leafs r now



Maybe out of nutrients or maybe too much of them?

Try to dont give them soo much nutes and see if problem fixes it self!


Active Member
The same thing happened to me when I started flowering, lower vegetation started to yellow, but I was told this is normal as the plant moves food from the lower large leaves into the buds. It's really bad on my more sativa plant, 5 weeks into budding and there are tons of yellow leaves.

If you have some good high nitrogen fert, you could give a light feeding of that. In some of the pics, I can see yellow patches between the leaf viens which would be magnesium deficiency. I had that too, fixed it with Cal-Mag, but you can use epsom salt I've heard.
i am useing bloom booster but there is no way it is burning it i am only putting a small small small amount to a 1 gal it only started this a wekk ago so a full 2 weeks was with nutes and it was green and healthy
it is only 3 weeks in to flowering almost 4 weeks and it is only the top top leafs
i am useing bloom booster but there is no way it is burning it i am only putting a small small small amount to a 1 gal it only started this a wekk ago so a full 2 weeks was with nutes and it was green and healthy
it is only 3 weeks in to flowering almost 4 weeks and it is only the top top leafs
the bloom booster has (N)......15%

there is no way i am over ferting it no way
i am almost giving it a half gal of water and if i dont water by 4 oclock every day it start to wilt so damn bad so i water every day ,nutes every other day