Help, yellow spots appearing on plant.


Hi babes... Hmmm, not much to go on by the photo but possibly the leaves got a bit splashed and have burnt due to the bead ov water acting as a tiny magnifying glass. However the leaf looks a little "dull" and "cupped" which is prob due to nutrients being either too strong or too weak... Flush the plants with plain water first, in case its an overdose, then feed with a weak feed solution for a few days and see if it picks up a bit.... that should do ya.

hope that helps some

Kudos for the help. Had series of stoned fuck ups. Basically got in from work and they where looking worse, all lower leaves had spots and where looking pretty light in colour. Realised that when I ph'd my water I had referenced the wrong site and had in fact put at 5 or under. I a bifty haze I decided to transplant under the assumption that the other soil would dilute the effect. Unfortunatly not enough soil for the larger pots fo effectivley got transplanted with no extra room being granted. Schoolboy!

Anyways I have now transplanted properly (got some new soil) and taken the above advice and flushed the plants to the best of my ability. They are now in the dark the light will come on in 5 hours and then I have to cross my fingers and hope its all good. If not back to green house seeds for me. Thanks for the help and I have repped accordingly.
