Help wth seed selection...


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I am Growing indoors, temps can get to a hundred degrees at noontime. I am growing in 5 gallon bucket full of hydroton and top feeding and back to res. humidity

45 % I like to veg for a few months as I can only have one plant at a time in flower. What is a good producer that can take the temps and still be dank bud? Using

a 600 watt hanging bulb. Cant afford a cooltube. Something that will still have fairly dense buds and can take the heat I was thinking about super lemon haze.

Suggestions would be very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I guess I am going to stick with chocolope, as mostly sativa it should be able to handle the temps with albeit less dense buds due to the heat. If this doesnt work I am going to go old school with a landrace sativa. Maybe something from south africa. It gets hot there.


Well-Known Member
dude, you need to get fans or some kind of circulation or try running the lights at night.

your temps are way too high.

at 100 you are asking for airy non dense buds, hermies, and low yields, all due to heat stress.


It will make a world of difference. It should be grown genreally anywhere between 68-82. Both being the extremes. Genereally you want it to stay around 72 with no more than a 10 degree drop in the "night" cycle. High heat slows growth both flowering AND vegging. If you can only have 1 plant I would get an air cooled hood not a cool tube. You will need to get the light around the entire plant in a big square not a rectangle if you get what Im trying to say. Plus you need to have that hot air from the light vented OUT of the grow room. You should be able to maintain ambient temps in there all day. now if you ambient temp is like 80+... then you might need to bring a fan in blowing fresh air from the house(I was assuming if ambient temp is 80 then outside temp will be ~80 aswell) Hope this helps! but YES. you NEED cooling if you run HID lighting or your plants can fry too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Jake. I got a cooltube and am going with one of those huge winged half circle reflectors. so it should spread the light around pretty good. Hopefully this gets the temps down to ambient like you say. I would be under eighty degrees if thats the case and my baby will be happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. I will check them out for sure. Temps wont sweem to go below 89 during the day without the air on. I am using the air during the hottest four hours So I am fluctuating between 80 and 90. My Chocolope is holding up well I must say.