Help with X?


Active Member
Sorry for posting this again... the first time i did it didnt get any attention, probably wrong forum but anyways here goes. ive been searching for some extacy around where i live and i found some, they are orange and have superman logos on them. i was told that they are heroin based and i just wonder if anyone can tell me from experience if they are or not. also, does heroin based X keep you awake like meth based? if so im not buying them period. lol i like my sleep way too much :leaf:


Active Member
Never had the orange ones but I've had blue and white ones with the superman logo on em. The blue ones where like a fucking roller coaster ride, I would be up bouncing around for a few hrs then i could barely move for a hr or so then rinse and repeat. The white ones i really don't remember to much about. There was a website called or maybe .com (cant remember atm). They use to go around to raves testing pills and such they couldnt tell you there what was in it just if you should take it or not but they always put the test info up on there website. I always used that to see what was in my rolls before i bought em, not sure if the site is still up but if it is and they have tested it then it should have the info on it that your looking for.