Help with white stuff on stem in aerocloner


I am not sure what is happeing, but this is after day 1 of clippings being in aerocloner. Can you tell me what the white stuff is around the neoprene holders on the stem of the plant?

And any comments you would like to make is appreciated. This is my first experience with cloning and i'd like to know what you guys thought about the looks of these white widow after day 1.

PH: 5.8-6.0
Flourescent lighting
1 min on time 5 min off on misters
This is a stinkbud style aerocloner


Well-Known Member
well fresh cut plants map bleed, like the sap from tree. It could be that. My other idea is mabey its a salt build up, but you shouldnt have nutes in a cloner. the absents of nutes when cloning will make the clones root better. they will branch out looking for nutes and thus create a bigger root system.


Well-Known Member
They look good... I wouldn't worry to much about the stuff. Did you take these clone from the top of the plant? They look big?
I took them from the bottom of the plant. My mother plant was monsterous. should i take smaller clippings next time or is bigger better?

And BTW i think that the white stuff might just be salt buildup, so im just gonna let it do its thing and not worry about it. Does salt buildup hurt a plant?


Well-Known Member
my only suggestion would be to cut some of that stem off next time make them shorter. looks like they didn't get a dark period or they are getting too much light. they shouldn't be wilting.


Well-Known Member
are you stuck with the 1 min on your cycle timer or can you adjust it less? I am running the same style cloner and i have found 15 seconds on 5 off works better for me.
What exactly is the dark period?

and yes i can turn it down below 1 min. I am contemplating 3 options. Add a little clonex solution to the mix, switch the timer to 15 sec on 5 min off, or just let it be. What do you all think?

I am also gonna spray the leaves with water to try and get them to stop wilting cuz they are getting little crispy.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is the dark period?

and yes i can turn it down below 1 min. I am contemplating 3 options. Add a little clonex solution to the mix, switch the timer to 15 sec on 5 min off, or just let it be. What do you all think?

I am also gonna spray the leaves with water to try and get them to stop wilting cuz they are getting little crispy.
after i take my cuttings i put them in a cup of water in the dark for a few hrs, gets them fully hydrated & cuts down on the stress. If they are wilting they are getting too much light or heat. I use one 23 watt cfl light for a 5 gal clone bucket that holds 12 clones. Clonex works great(if you alreeady have it in there you don't need to add anymore). 15 seconds works for me i think it dries out the stems better, keeps the res temps cooler & produces roots faster for me. spray them with water now but after this you shouldn't have to mist them if you fix the lighting situation.


Well-Known Member
want water grow roots, misting i think is counter productive in this method, but in this situation go for it. wouldn't hurt to turn the light of til they stand up on there own after u mist them, give em a lil break.
dang. i have wayyyyy too much light then. I have 8 cfl's on them. I think they are 13 watts but still.
I will take 5 of them out so i only have 3. Sound good ya think?


Well-Known Member
3 for how many clones i didn't count them? they really don't need that much light to produce roots, indirect light is better, but cfls work great backed off about 3 inches for 13 watters.
i see 9 are there more in that tub?
yeah it is a home made wing with mylar on it. ill try 2 bulbs on.
check back tomorrow and ill put new pics up and see what you think.


Well-Known Member
Dont spray them with water its not needed. Let them be and you will see roots soon you just need to be patient. Before using an aero cloner I did not have a great success rate. Now I have a 100% success rate.
Do you have a page on how you do it? or maybe youd be so kind as to give me a run down of what you do? id really appreciate the help.

Pics i took tonight (day 3)

there is more white stuff on the stem today but i sprayed it off with a spray bottle. I have 2 cfl bulbs on these 8 clones. added 30mL to 3 gallons of water of clonex. very small amount. Leaves are still drying and wilting so i am spraying them a little with water.


Active Member
The white stuff is salt from evaporation of the clonex solution. When a little water shoots out from under the net pot and hits the plant and evaps then you get the salt deposit. I use the same cloner and get the same thing. I have found that when you do get that it will lead to a rot of the stem since it's getting constant water. So seating the net pot a little better will help. But with as big as those stems are I don't know if you will have rot problems.