Help With White Russian And Chronic Phenos


This is my first attempt plants are some serious seed's seeds,These plants are about 19 days old some of the smaller ones are a few days behind and overall the White Russians sprouted a few days after the chronic. I don't know if it is to early to distinguish phenos but I am really curious to know if I have an ak pheno and white widow pheno. Also if anyone has experience with the chronic phenos I am curious to know if you can tell me what i have . Okay first the Russians.

This is What I think to be ak pheno because the leaves are kinda slimmer than the rest and they don't seem to get fatter( or as fat as the others) as they get longer.

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Here are the other White Russians to Compare

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On to the Chronic.

This is what I am hoping to be the gem of chronics. I call her mighty mouse. She is 3 1/2 inches tall super compact. the leaves aren't getting huge like the others but she has unbelievable lateral growth ( in regards to my plants i'm sure experience growers would blow these away )

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Here is a chronic that is similar except it's leaves are growing quite a bit bigger and it is growing slightly taller

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And the other chronic

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Well-Known Member
I've grown a few different chronic strains, especially the ones from Delicious Seeds. That phenotype is easy to spot -
short and bushy with short internodal spacing. I just finished growing a Chronic Sensi Star and it was short and bushy as hell.
Be sure to FIM them half way thru veg period and you will have a plant as wide as tall. She was a bit touchy to clone though.
I got a Chronic Jack going now and it looks the same way. The CJ I have to note is a slow grower. Must be the sativa influence.
My CJ is just 14 inches while her mates are 20-24 inches.



I am still looking for input from some one with experience with SS WR and Chronic phenos . I am trying to figure out which ones would be keepers. I know i'm most likely going to have to clone them all and flower to figure it out but I'm being hopeful I'll be able to figure it out before then. Here is an Update of the plants

Here is chronic i dubbed Mighty mouse.

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The chronic that is similar to mighty mouse but just taller
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Other chronics

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Onto the Russians

The one I'm hoping is the Ak pheno
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And the other WR

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