help with water analysis report calmax or not?

You are assuming the issue is calcium deficiency, excessive micronutrients can cause similar symptoms.
The aqua flores is formulated for harder water, it has much higher micro levels than the hydro flores which is formulated for use with soft water (like yours). If you used the hydro flores with hard water you`d also have issues ;)
In a nutshell, the hydro is a better match for your softwater than the aqua. You could buy a litre bottle (AB) of just the hydro flores (softwater) to see how grow #6 does on it ;)
thats what im saying lol i will get the soft water version then and see how it goes in flower i guess but i am still confused as if it was a micronute issue due to too much micronutrients my water hardly has any in it and this grow you seen pics of has not had any added calmax in it from day one just what the canna aqua and water has provided which my aqua nutrient profile has LESS ca than the Hydro softwater so by switching to hydro soft water im upping the ca content only??

this would only do what i was doing by adding the calmax if im right in thinking like that? which never worked before???

but as said i will switch and see??
just realised ca and mg are macronutrients not micro nutrients so i should be looking more towards a lockout of calcium or mg caused by micronutrients
yepp sunk in now all makes sense thankyou for setting me straight hydro softwater it is or any softwater nute to be exact lol
the problem was me not grasping that ca and mg are macros not micros.
anyways thanks again.