help with ventilation


Well-Known Member
i have my setup in a armoire, its right next to a window, the back of the armoire is a hard cardboard

currently i just knocked a hole in the back so some air can leave, but i need to do more so there can be proper ventilation

all help will get repped


Well-Known Member
get an intake fan in one hole to push fresh air in and an outtake fan in another hole to pull old/hot air out

where can i get a intake and outtake fan? how much should those cost? where should i position them? should i still have a fan inside like i currently do?


Well-Known Member
where can i get a intake and outtake fan? how much should those cost? where should i position them? should i still have a fan inside like i currently do?
you can get the fans from this site Exhaust Fans | Duct or any other number of sites. the fan you have now will do no harm so its up to you if you wanna keep it or not. i probably would. since hot air rises and cold air drops, i would put the outtake fan somewhere in the middle or close to the top and the intake fan towards the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Well that all depends on what light you use, if your using cfls then just buy a couple 4'' fans and place them inside your box, anything in the 250w and above, get the vent system he talked aboot


Well-Known Member
i dont know how hot cfls usually get. why don't you put a thermometer in your armoire and measure the temps and we can go from there.


Well-Known Member
temps are in the 90's with the lights on, in 70's with lights off

i usually am home when the lights are on so armoire door is open so the temp drops down to 80's

medi grower

Active Member
Another way to keep light out is to install a charcoal filter before the fan, and then it cools your space and keeps out the skunk. Sounds like you'd do fine with a 4" hurricane fan, which can come out anywhere but the filter should be mounted high to draw out hot humid air. If your ballast is in the cabinet, put it on the floor to break up heat stratification. Also, keep the fan inside. Air circulation is important for healthy plants.

medi grower

Active Member
Forgot to mention, the fan should cost around $30-50 and can be found at any grow/hydro shop. You shouldn't need a fan for intake, you can use a louvred (to help keep out light) vent from the hardware store over a hole in the cabinet near the bottom of the grow space to draw in cooler drier air. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
im just using 8 cfl's with self ballast, so i should get this fan and attach it to this charcoal filter i need to make?

medi grower

Active Member
The fans are in stock at hydroponic stores and nurseries that supply greenhouses. The charcoal filter you need is also available at hydro stores. Just hang the filter up high and run hose/pipe to the fan and out of your cabinet.

medi grower

Active Member
I tried one of those my first cabinet grow...No they won't pull enough air to control temp/humidity. You need something that pulls air rather than pushing it the way a cpu fan does.

66 north

Well-Known Member
I used a few fans I got out of old fridges in my dry room they seemed to push a fair amount of air around just something to consider .