Help with veg tent selection PLEASE


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm working on setting up an indoor grow. Right now, I've bought a Growlab 120 tent . I'm going to be running a 600w hps with a 6" fan on the bottom corner. I plan on running about 6 plants at a time in this tent, but I want to purchase/make another tent/box that I can veg clones in and keep mothers in. First off, how big of a tent will I need to support a few mothers and a batch of clones? Next, how big of a light and what kind will I need to support the mothers while preparing the clones to be moved into the flowering room? Also, the tents will be in a room that is kept at a very livable temperature, will I need a fan on the veg tent too?

Thanks guys, I greatly appreciate the help, I'm a noob :hump:. Help earns rep.:-o


Well-Known Member
Anyone? I'm thinking about using some t8 fluoro lights for vegging. Do they produce much heat? How many watts total do you think I'll need? I'm sure someone knows atleast some answers..


Well-Known Member
I use some pre-fab storage cabinets that I found at Home Depot. They are 36" high, 24" wide and 15" deep. I use a type of compact T5 that is 21" long and puts out about 4,800 lumens. I actually have two of the cabs. One has a 3 bulb setup I use for vegging and the other is for mothers/clones and only has one bulb.

I actually want to downsize the bulb. 2,500 lumens would be more than enough for mothers/clones.

Shot of some of my girls vegging
Veg cab 7-17-2011 12-55-46 AM.jpg

Clones in the other cab
Dome 7-8-2011 11-15-54 PM.jpg

Another shot of the veg cab when I was running an experiment
Loaded Cab 10-29-2007 6-27-47.JPG

Inside shot of cab before putting lights in
Front of cab 10-28-2007 5-41-54.JPG

Shot of the bulbs on in my 3 bulb hood. Two 6500k bulbs and one 2700k bulb.
We Have Light 12-3-2006 1-05-34 AM.JPG

Shot of the bulbs with lights off
Underside of hood.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm probably either gonna buy a small cabinet a little bigger than that, or make a tent out of pvc piping and mylar. How much did your cabinet cost? Do fluoro lights produce much heat? Would I need a fan to circulate air? Thanks man, appreciate the response. Tent should be coming soon!