Help with Transplant


Well-Known Member
if it were me, I would have them in a pot that is oversized to start out..
I would have a fan blowing on them...

Would start it on low, and just blowing above them (so they are just barely moving abit) until the first set of true leafs come in..
Then I would start the fan blowing directly on them..
I would then turn the fan up one setting after each new growth..

I think more then anything you would want to get them stalks good and strong before going outside..
And have it already planted in a pot thats got quite abit of "growing room" so that it will have the chance to use the best quality soil while its still young, and growing outside..
Giving it a chance to slowly work its way into the earth, and making it alot less apt to shock, if any shock at all..

It also wouldnt hurt to toss some lime down into your plot in the ground, and maybe even some soil conditioners such as wormcastings or someother nitrogen rich organic compound... Guano might not be a bad idea..
Using a hoe, small garden rake or whatever you can till the ground, and "blend" the lime, and/or conditioners into the ground U will be planting into....

Also I heard using nutes weeks or so in advance(also having hole dug, conditioners, and lime already "blended" into the grow spot) can help aswell..

Ideally anyway..

ALso I would wait till the plant is atleast 6+ nodes, or 8-12 inches tall...
This is just if it were me..
You can use your own judgement on alot of course...
WHich ever happends first..

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
im planning on moving some clones outside very soon for flowering, deciding on whether to go hydro or soil, prolly soil cos its much less work...

hope they survive....

you using soil? seeds or clones?



Well-Known Member
very good question..

If your using clones then it would really help to work them stalks for a few weeks with a fan on high before putting them outside..
After they have made it past the first delicate stages of fresh cuttings that is..

Also having them used to nutes..

If I were moving clones outside, I think I would let them grow atleast one month indoors (from when they were first cut.. MAYBE even 6 weeks just to be sure they are good, and strong)
Still keeping them planted in oversized pots so they will have time to grow in top notch soil, and then slowly into the ground


Active Member
I’m going to be using seeds. I was thinking about growing them inside for about 3 weeks to a month then moving them outside. Would it be better if I start them inside with a fan then move them outside? Or should I just start them outside in oversize buckets and not even worry about planting them in the ground? The only thing I’m really worried about is the transplant. Everyone is telling me if I start inside to have them under 18 to 24 hours for 3 weeks to a month, but when I move them outside to 14-15 hour days that’s almost 10 hours of sun lost, is that going to affect the plants and make them go into shock?


Well-Known Member
as far as my opinion, I think starting indoors you can give your sprouts the very best chance rather then starting them outside..

It wouldnt take nothing but a bad rain storm, or a simply tree limb to completely wipe out your poor defenseless sprouts outdoors..
NOT like it couldnt happen anyways, but they will be in better shape to handle the elements...

If you want best results prepare your outdoor grow spot ASAP(that is once you have begun your seeds indoors), and get the soil conditioners(wormcastings/guano)and lime tilled into your spot weeks before transplanting..

Even if you dont do it this way your plants shouldnt suffer much shock if you have given them enough growing room in the good soil..
They will slowly grow into the ground, and it wont just be a from Top soil to dirt transplant..

Honestly I didnt do either, and still no problems..
I threw my plants outdoors too early in hindsight, but they still did ok..

This is just the way I would do it now, if I were thinking about growing outdoors..
Remember it is still just a weed of sorts.. We just want to give them soo much love, sometimes we forget this..
Seems that doing everything right and to the letter doesnt always work out the way we would like either..

I have been doing everything "by the book" and have had horrible luck getting sprouts..
I had more luck back in the day when I didnt know wtf I was doing..LOL

BUT to my own defense, Im living overseas, and cant read wtf's in the soil mixes I have been buying.. haha Oh well

I was lucky just to have the one plant I have going now..FFS I pray its a female :? LOL

good luck !


Well-Known Member
Also either way, water plants first before transplanting.. Wait about 10 mins for water to drain, and soil to settle.. transplant, fill in the gaps with soil, and then water well again..
AND FFS dont compact down the soil!

If you see you need abit more "fill in soil" wait till after you watered. Then fill in more soil if you need it, and water abit moretill the top soil is wet..

Roots need air, pressing down, and compacting the soil you could make it hard for them to breath...