help with this plant


Hey all!
First grow, 2 plants.
No idea of strain, just grabbed some seeds from some horrible smoke and threw them in some sprouting mix. Little tiny plants came up and stayed little until I came here and started reading! Bought some clay pellets, went the soiless mix route with the pellets as the base to assist drainage. I keep two gallons of water in rotation to avoid putting chlorine on my girls and went with Ecogrow standard for nutes. Had a little problem with leaf miners, but got some neem oil on those little bastards, so we should be ok. The girls are growing outdoors all day, but thinking about bringing them inside for good in a week! Thanks for all the knowledge!


How in god's name could you have possibly confused that with marijuana.

Type in marijuana in any Google image search or just take 5 seconds to look around this website, and you won't see a single marijuana plant that looks like that. I'll give you a million dollars if you can find me a marijuana plant that looks like that.


Id realllly like to know how old this kid is....i dont understand, he said he had been searching alot and couldnt find anything...theres no limit on how many weed pictures you can find online! WOW!


Well-Known Member
Oh, ummm not me baby with a gun, it was the other's. I am behind you, like way behind. (running like the wind and screaming "someone pissed off that baby with a gun!")