Help with the basics


Active Member
Hey i am new to indoor growing and after reading there seems to be a certain art-form to it. can anyone give me the basic principles of indoor growing such as light(s) type, wattage, space. you get the picture. because i want to know how to formulate a set up that will work for me. plus any tips please dont be bashful.

-thanks guys-


Well-Known Member
it's different for everyone when it comes to indoors....what I would say is...take the room you have and the amnt of money you wanna spend on your setup...then...look through the grow journals...when you a grow that is doing well and looks up your alley then replicate it as best you can


Well-Known Member
Start small, know your strain, don't move plants inside and outside, use molasses one month into flowering, 1tbl per gallon, almost everyone harvests too early . . . one can almost always wait another week.
It's much easier to fix under-watering than over-watering.


Active Member
thanks guys those are good things to keep in mind. but wen i read some of the grow journals the setups seem like they are in another language. with lights wattage heat all that stuff seems foreign


Well-Known Member
thanks guys those are good things to keep in mind. but wen i read some of the grow journals the setups seem like they are in another language. with lights wattage heat all that stuff seems foreign
You don't HAVE to get that technical to grow weed. Plant it, give it tons of light, water appropriately, ventilate, feed 1/2 strength. Dry as slow as possible without allowing mold. The better the lighting, the bigger the harvest, usually.
Pretty much all you really need to understand, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Hey i am new to indoor growing and after reading there seems to be a certain art-form to it. can anyone give me the basic principles of indoor growing such as light(s) type, wattage, space. you get the picture. because i want to know how to formulate a set up that will work for me. plus any tips please dont be bashful.

-thanks guys-
Your inquiry is a general one so I can only answer it generally. Define what your expectations are with your grow. Are you wanting to produce many plants for selling? Are you wanting to produce quality smoke for you and your buddies? Do you live in a state that has a compassionate act for medicinal marijuana usage? Answering those three questions for yourself then posting will help others be able to help you.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey i am new to indoor growing and after reading there seems to be a certain art-form to it. can anyone give me the basic principles of indoor growing such as light(s) type, wattage, space. you get the picture. because i want to know how to formulate a set up that will work for me. plus any tips please dont be bashful.

-thanks guys-

Do you plan on growing Hydro or Soil?

I agree with MrFishy... start small and go from there. If you have 10 seeds, don't start them all because if you fuck up and they die then you will have to get more seeds.

I started with 3 seeds at a time... I was glad too because I killed the first 3. I went back to the drawing board.... learned where I fucked up and started 3 more. MUCH BETTER result this time!!! 2 turned out to be male :( ... but I got one female and she's going to be harvested this weekend (likely). I cloned her too so I've got another 4 ready to go into flower.

About the room.... you are going to have to tell us about your space because the setup will be different depending on how much space you have (both sq. footage and height).

Lastly.... I highly recommend you read this thread: Hempy is a great way to grow... especially for new growers. It's a very easy method. :D


Active Member
What little I grow I've usually done outside. There are plenty of folks in here and such that will help with an indoor grow. Also try Cervantes' and Rosenthals books. There is a link here on these forums to an online edition of one of the Rosenthals books, but here it is anyway. ( Can't remember right now which forum I found this on in here.)

THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal

BTW, my son flew back to FLA yesterday, so take care of him down there for me :)


Active Member
Your inquiry is a general one so I can only answer it generally. Define what your expectations are with your grow. Are you wanting to produce many plants for selling? Are you wanting to produce quality smoke for you and your buddies? Do you live in a state that has a compassionate act for medicinal marijuana usage? Answering those three questions for yourself then posting will help others be able to help you.
I am a person that is always quality over quantity, with that said i am trying to grow 2 plants possibly for personal smoking purposes. And i live in florida and down here they are not to happy with pot.


Well-Known Member
I am a person that is always quality over quantity, with that said i am trying to grow 2 plants possibly for personal smoking purposes. And i live in florida and down here they are not to happy with pot.
Then your medium of choice would be soil. If I were to grow two plants for personal smoke it would be this way leaving out a lot of details. I would leave them in vegetative state for about 4-5 weeks placed in 5 gallon pots ( minimizes the effort of doing transplanting). I would have CO2 enrichment in vegetative state and a portion of the flowering stage. I would utilize a 400 W metal halide to vegetate. I have always used fox farm nutrients with gr8 success at half the recommended strength. The soil I use normally is ocean's forest and amend it with ocean's blend. During flowering I would use a 400 W high pressure sodium bulb .Upon entering the flower stage, using fox farm products still just start adding molasses to the formula. You would get a nice yield that would provide quality personal smoke if you closely monitor pH,water,humidity,light,nutrients,pest control, and air.