Help With Temperature!!!!!


Active Member
I built my grow box myself, i have a 400 watt MH light over 4 plants...
My plants are about 3-4 inches high and i think they should be bigger for 3 weeks old. I dont know i am a newbie...

The demensions of my grow box is 6 ft high 4 ft wide and 3 feet deep...

The problem is: My temperature keeps rising substaning at around 85-95 degrees... Will this kill or stunt the growth of my plants...?

I have a vent hole and a fan blowing....I cut a fixture so my fan can fit into the hole blowing air from the outside of the box to the inside of the box.....

I also put 4 trays of ice in a metal container and put it in the corner of my grow box....I dont know what else to do to keep the temperature down...

Any help plEEEEAAAASSSEEEEE.....Also i am low on funds so keep it kinda cheappPPPPP!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I built my grow box myself, i have a 400 watt MH light over 4 plants...
My plants are about 3-4 inches high and i think they should be bigger for 3 weeks old. I dont know i am a newbie...

The demensions of my grow box is 6 ft high 4 ft wide and 3 feet deep...

The problem is: My temperature keeps rising substaning at around 85-95 degrees... Will this kill or stunt the growth of my plants...?

I have a vent hole and a fan blowing....I cut a fixture so my fan can fit into the hole blowing air from the outside of the box to the inside of the box.....

I also put 4 trays of ice in a metal container and put it in the corner of my grow box....I dont know what else to do to keep the temperature down...

Any help plEEEEAAAASSSEEEEE.....Also i am low on funds so keep it kinda cheappPPPPP!!!!!

first of all is your fan ontop the box? if so you need to turn the fan around so its blowing the hot air out....then you sould cut a hole in the bottom of your growbox so that you have an intake.....the fan will pull cooler and fresher air into and out of the follow its like a comp.tower the fans all blow out pulling new air in....same with your home ac have supply's ie...floor or cieling vents and your returns where the filters are and if you notice your bedroom doors they arent sealded against the floor they usualy have a 1/2 inch gap on them to allow draft..... hope this helps


Well-Known Member
as others have mentioned you should be blowing hot air out. Be ready with some kind of odor control solution cause it won't be long before that hot air starts smelling pungent.

85 F is OK (not good but not real bad) - 95 is really pushing it.

a box of your dimensions should be using an exhaust fan with a CFM rating of around 216. That should exhaust all the air at least three times every minute. Don't forget some passive intake holes, otherwise you'll create a vacuum. Also note - fans can get quite loud.

you should also consider using a separate fan to cool your light. you should also have an oscillating fan to keep fresh air moving around (and will help cool things down a little bit).

As for your plants, height isn't necessarily a good thing - better to be short and fat than tall and lean. too bad i'm not a pot plant - i'd be all set :-)


Active Member
Preciate all the input you all really helped me alot...I didn't know anything about blowing the hot air out of the box....I was just thinking about blowing cool air into the box.....

Well time to reconfigure the grow box.....Thats why i built my own and did not buy one because you can adjust the dementions and characteristics of your grow box as needed....

Thanks..Be Easy.......