Help with super soil for guerilla growing


I'm going to be doing this grow in the middle of florida. Way out in BFE. I'm going to have to drive at least an hour to get there everytime and once i do that im gonna have to take proably a hour long hike every single time. I'm gonna be worried about mountain lions and bears im not gonna lie.
Are you entering yourself for this years Darwin Awards?


Well-Known Member
I don't really understand why people are saying SS won't work for guerilla grows? Maybe logistics?Sure it's going to be hard work transporting it, but once it's there your good. I'm planning on doing 10-15 holes@ probably 3ftx3ftx3ft. I will veg in Roots Organic with maybe 25%SS in 2-3gal buckets,then transplant to holes and let them go. I'll visit maybe every other week, to apply neem and BT,but that's it. I'm doing pretty much the same thing now but in 10 gal pots but I want bigger plants so in the ground I go.


Well-Known Member
original poster is trying to pop off a hudred # harvest guerrilla status using s.s. hour drive one way and hour hike to the site. sounds like a long way to carry literally tons of materials not to mention watering. animals are attracted to blood and bone meal. keeping these carnivores out from digging your soil up is an issue. on top of other animals gnawing on the stalk, deer etc.


Well-Known Member
lol ok I forgot about his 100# You'd need a front end loader to move that much dirt..good luck OP you'll need it!

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
if subcools ss is gonna create a bad animal problem, does anybody know of changes i could make to the soil ingredients to keep animals out?


let the soil sit in the bottom of your holes a month before u then all curious critters have had a gander and have realised that it is not a source of food...........or install wire cages around them staked to the ground to keep critters out..............