Help with summer heat


Active Member
600w HPS
Chronics in soil.

My room is 1.3m x 1.3m x 2.4m.

I have:
4 inch input fan
6 inch Cooltube attached to a 5 inch extractor fan.
One large osculating fan
One 6 inch fixed desk fan pointing up and along the Cooltube’s reflector.

A thermometer in the top of one of the buds show 31 (80)! The outside temp is 77.

How do you lot keep your rooms cool when things get hot in summer?

Today I added a pc server fan (6 inch) to the input side of the Cooltube. It was 32 before that!


Active Member
I know this this sort of question has been asked 100's of times. (read most of 'em).

"get a cooltube". Check
"get output fan". Check
"get input fan". Check
"get more fans". Check. I could start bolting them to the roof, no more space on floor.
"remote ballast" Check

I know the temps aren't that high but this is the first warm day so far. It'll only get worse.

This is running only at night with all doors and windows open.


Well-Known Member
those fans you have may not be powerfull enough to get the kind of cooling you need. you need to take the volume of your room and get a fan that can change the air in the room in about 1-3 mins. and also alot of people have their intake comming from a room with a/c for colder air.


Well-Known Member
im dealing with the same problems, its HUMID and HOT AS FUCK up here in southern ontario, like 35 outside w/o humidity and shit, my room was up to 33 at many times [66 gallon room of rubbermaid tubs not that big, with 3 fans and 12 cfls was too much at 1800 lumens each(30 watt)] i dont really know what to do but it drops to like 15 degrees at night so who knows, but my plants have been under anywhere from 29-34 degrees for 3 1/2 weeks and nothing detrimental happened so fuckit

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
same problems here Guys, I went as far as buying an AC unit. It had to be switched off yesterday. Vents into the attic and that just makes the ambient higher, making the ac work harder to cool the grow cab. Ive had temp issues up over 100 before with no real damage to my strains either. mesay fuckit too, lol:peace::blsmoke:

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
I did thermodynamics in uni for a while, How did it help, whats the relevance? Think i still have a book, "Applied Thermodynamics", lol