Help with seedlings

Thanks for all the help everything has been going well. Both plants look well except for some weird leaf thing going on with one of them. The sugar leaves coming out of the buds look weird, they are curled and point downward. I thought it May be heat stress but it’s occurring on the bottom as well as the rest of the plant. Here are pics of both plants do u think It’s genetics or something else?



Well-Known Member
Wow New420, that's looking Nice, the curling could be to much salt in the ferts, you can check if you can pull the sides and look if there is salt build up in the pot. Nice looking all in all. I bet you can't wait until the next time bigger pots and more of everything.

Or you may be on track with the Heat could be that too. just keep on her and things will be fine.

Keep Up the Great Work !! :)