help with plant diagnostic

Chief a Jay


I know I had some pH fluctuations that caused this problem. But what I'm wondering is... what is it specifically that is causing this? Which nutrient got locked out and caused this kind of burning? Because I haven't seen this kind of deficiency before. Thank you everyone for the help. I grow in a soilless medium. The pH was like 8.0 that I originally gave it (my pen was wayyyyyy out of sync.) The temperature in the room is 77F and humidity is 40-50%. the other plants recovered from the RO flush I gave them. I flushed them all back on Thursday. They were all looking happier and the new growth was back on track to becoming a healthy plant. But when I went into the garden this morning, one plant got burnt like this over night. (Saturday night.) And I was going to feed them today. Can someone give me some insight please? Thank you everyone at roll it up.


Active Member
@Jamez Not to much nutrients they aren't burned they look perfect green. Def locked out just a lil bit from the ph i would pull up the deficiency chart look on google. Looks good besides that maybe add some act teas and. u r golden.

Chief a Jay

Ive looked at alot of guides but none show leaves like this that ive come across. Im trying to figure out which specific nute lock out causes this.