Help with outdoor growing

I'm growing a couple plants in wisconsin and theyre planted outdoors. They appear to be very healthy and are growing at about an inch a day but so no problems there. From what i understand (this is my first time growing) plants dont enter the flowering stage until the light goes down to 12/12 and thats not scheduled to happen til the end of september. Will frost and cold weather kill my plants before they are done budding or am I just worrying about nothing? Any help would be greatly appreciated


how far up wisconsin are you? and are your plants sativas?

im in illinois and plants start budding around now to mid august


If you can, try covering them up later in the day so it's in a 12/12 photo period for them. A Budblood for soil or some other bloom stimulator might help it start flowering? What do I know about outdoor growing? I'm just a silly hydro grower. :weed: