Help with nutrients in soil


Well-Known Member
IMO it is a big mistake to water every 12 hours using MG soil

but lets let others chime in cause all I see is problems


Active Member
Miracle Grow potting mix has time release fertilizers in it, so you don't really need to add anymore for a while. That shit stays hot with nutrients for some time. These "time-release" fertilizers are simply little yellow pellets with nutes in them that slowly dissolve over time with watering. That's why riddleme says it's too much. Be on the lookout for lockouts/deficiencies. Perhaps you have a buddy you trust that can check on them while you're gone? 2 weeks is a long time to go without attention indoors.


Active Member
getting water every 12 hours may be too much, make sure its very little every 12 hours if possible

you can feed them the nutes when you get back home, i feed mine every week and make the nutes very weak each time i feed them


Active Member
Yikes. That's a bit high. Ideally you'll want it around 7, and the difference between 7 and 8 is 10 times the amount of hydronium (what pH tests measure). It'll cause lockouts especially over a long period of time.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.....Well, with that much perlite, you shouldn't have to worry about drowning the roots, even if at 12 hour watering intervals. Is this setup going to be used for the entire grow? IDK, feeding once every 7 days, isn't that extreme. I rarely feed mine more than every 5 days, and they do just fine. Just give then a tad more than normal, like 20%. Then if you see any deficiencies starting, make next week's dose a little stronger. Better yet, leave the fert mix lower, and get some kind of spray system that would foliar feed them once or twice a week. The plants will only absorb what they need, so no risk of overfert. Hell, you already spent $7K, so I figure some type of sprinkler system might be doable?lol

As for the PH...IDK, but I'd try adding some lime on top of a couple, experimentally, and see how that works out. That's just an idea though, so don't hold me responsible if it wreaks havoc, because I've only heard of growers using it to keep PH up, not to lower it. IDK, but it's supposed to help keep your PH in the neutral range, so it's possible that it'd drop the 8.0 down closer to the 7.0 range. Hopefully, somebody has more input on this, because that's just an idea. I've never had to deal with high PH, only low.


Active Member
Hey why dont you use coco. drains fster then soil not worrys about the every 12 hour thing. Then for your rez do a small one with the proper food mix for a couple days then hook up a additional rez with ph'ed water. Hook it up to your smaller rez with a float valve. This way you will get optimum feeding and as your smaller rez drains out it will fill up with straight water at the right ph.


Active Member
Coco ain't got no fuckin nutrients or microbes. I just put a couple seedlings, in pure compost from back yard + a gallon of perlite


Active Member
you kiss your mama with that mouth. Hes looking for a something he can set and walk away. Coco will drain quick less chance of build up, feed in water will give nutes.


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind a hillbilly fix, get a dog waterer and bury a wick about three inches deep and about three inches from your plant stem then run the wick to the water bowl. If you get the large dog waterer, it should keep your plant watered while you're gone for 7 days at a stretch. You could also add a small dose of fertilizer to the water if needed. You'd have to keep the bottom of the wick in the water bowl at a level close to the level at which your wick goes into the growing medium. and keep the water bowl as close to the plant as you can get it. It's a hillbilly rig, but should be about what you need.


Thx jaw, great insight, as I think Thats why a friend recommended the perlite in the first place, in doing exactly as you said bro