Help with nutes


Well-Known Member
I have a 6 site DWC with 30 gallons total. When I do a res change & add fresh nutes (H&G) I have 1100 PPM and the girls immediately suck it up. i have to add 3-4 gallons of water within the first 24hrs and every 24 thereafter. To the point that by the 7th day when I do a res change my PPM is Low like 100-200 or 200-300 and they've basically been on H2O for the last couple of days. As long as they are sucking up the nutes & H2O that's good, right?

Should I do a half strength nutes mix and add it about day 3-4 to carry them to the res change or just leave it as is? I've had them at full stength nutes since Day 1 of veg and they are in the 3rd Day of flower now.They are VERY healthy and growing at an unbelievable pace now!!! Very little nute burn at all and they love the H&G nutes, so do I!!!!

What method does everyone ekse use?



DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I do the same thing you do except for the fact that I only do it for a week, then I add nute water. Here's an example:

Week 4 (Rez change): Fresh nutrient water, the rest of the week gets topped off with non-nutrient water (plain.)

Week 5 (No rez change): Topped off with nutrient water.

Week 6 (Rez change): Starts over again..

I'm running Earth Juice: Grow/Bloom for now.. But I may get out of organics relatively soon.


Well-Known Member
I add to the reservoir what the plant needs. For example:

Let's say I start the week with a fresh rez at 1000ppm. The next day she's at 1120. That tells me that she's drinking more water than nutes so I'll top off the rez with enough plain water to bring it back down to near 1000.

If, however, the next day she's at 800, then she's eating more nutes than water. I'll top up with a 1000ppm nute solution to bring it back up to near 1000. I don't do any crazy math or anything, just guess. If I'm concerned I'll check again later in the day when it has a chance to mix. You can always add more water to dilute the solution.

Just remember the only way to get the ppms back up to near normal is to add solution greater than what is in there currently. Example: if you add 1 cup of 100ppm water to another cup of 100ppm water you will have 2 cups of 100ppm water.

I also use the above method to determine how much a strain eats. Keep meticulous logs and records and later go mining for all that data that's in there. Takes the guesswork out of future grows.

good luck!