Help with nutes and water

Hey all so Im about to start my first grow and i have a few questions which i have yet to find the answers to.

I will be growing in an enclosure about 4ft tall and 2ft wide. I have a 10 gallon resovoir and 10 seeds, 5 auto berry ryder amd 5 bllue invader. I planning on spliting them into 2 grows. My first crop will gonsist of the berry ryder strain only. I will be using botanicare CNS17 grow and bloom formulas as well as one 250w MH light and 1 250w HPS light.

I have not been able to find much specific information about soil less nutrient feeling. Here are my main questions:

How often should i add nutrients to the resevoir and how much for each respective stage?
how often should i change the resevoir water?
how can i increase bud potency?

the last thing i ask if for any good info, links or videos pertaining to LSTing plants or more specifically autoflowers


Well-Known Member
This is equivalent of stealing your fathers keys getting into the car's drivers seat, then saying "What do I do now?'

Hint don't use quality seeds any time soon


Well-Known Member
Why not grow some bag seeds first and learn the process before using quality seeds not knowing what to do ?
This is equivalent of stealing your fathers keys getting into the car's drivers seat, then saying "What do I do now?'

Hint don't use quality seeds any time soon
I have read and been doing what i would consider quality research for about a month and a half now. I have seen the video in the link above and taken many notes from it. I guess i was somewhat vague in my first post to say the least. This is my first official grow with purchased seeds, ive gone through a number of plants from inexpensive seeds. This is also my first autoflowering grow and first DWC grow. So i will try a new approach, here is everything i know, please help me with some holes or misconceptions

The grow space i will be using is fro college grow box, it is the HPS hindu kush grow cab. Dimensions HEIGHT 36", LENGTH 25" , WIDTH 19 "
150 CFM EXHAUST FAN along with Can o filter 1500 carbon filter. I am thinking of purchasing another small 150 cfm fan. THOUGHTS?
I have 3 options for my lighting which i am considering, a. a 250w MH hung directly above resevoir along with 2 150w cfls one on each side of the resevoir, b. a 250w HPS on top with the cfls on each side, c. one 200/250W HPS and one 200/250W MH on top with no side lights. I am also willing to run options a and b without the side-CFLs I AM CONCERNED WITH LIGHTING AS SPACE IS AN ISSUE BUT THE TOP OF THE ENCLOSURE CAN BE RAISED IF NEEDED. I do not want to cause heat or light stress with too many lights but also want to produce the healthiest yeilding plants possibly.
It has a 12-15qt resevoir tank which i have decided to use, monitered by a PH, temperature, and ppm reader at all times. I also have an air stone running as well.
water will be between 65-75F @ around 68F preferred temp, PH 5.5-6.5 @ 5.9-6.0 optimum level
I am using 1.5" rockwool cubes with clay pellets for a medium.
Only nutes i will be using are Botanicare CNS 17 Grow, and Botanicare CNS17 Bloom.

from wat i understand grow nutes will only be used during weeks 2,3, and half of 4 and ONLY AT 1/4 STRENGTH DOSE. At four i will switch to the Bloom formula also at 1/4 STRENGTH DOSE for the remaining weeks 5,6,7,8,9. I READ SOMEWHERE THAT FOR AUTOFLOWERING PLANTS IT IS GOOD TO CONTINUE YOUR PLANTS WITH A NITORGEN ADDITIVE IN WEEK 4. BUT NO LONGER THAN THAT. THE REASONING BEHIND THIS WAS BECAUSE OF THEIR SHORT LIFESPAN AND ALMOST NON-EXISTENT VEG STATE, THE PLANT WILL USE THE EXTRA WEEK OF NITROGEN FEEDING TO CONTINUE ITS RAPID GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF BUDS. Week 9-10 i will begin flushing for a week and week 10-11 will be when i harvest.

Both strains i have should be ready to harvest around days 65-75 but as i am only growing 5 at a time Berry ryder should be the focus of attention.

I have found minimal material on DWC resevoir changing and nutrient feeding for auto flowers.
From wat i have read it should have a full drain and replenish after day 14. from then on it should be done once every 7-9 days to give roots an air bathe which they seem to enjoy and benefit from tremendously. FACT OR FICTION?

i have found next to nothing on either strain, no grow journals, except only one informtaive autofloweirng dwc journal. From his experince with deisle ryder, the less nutes the better.
Ppm was low 110-260s in veg 300-350 in transition to flowering n early flower and gradually to 560 or so a few days before harvest. I know they seem low but it seems auto flowers are very picky with their nutes so i want to start off slowly n gradually increase from there.

Apologizes for wasting time with my first post i hope you find this better to work with.