Help with new settup

Hi im currently running a 4x4 tent with a 600watt hps aerowing.
i run a sog style grow in soil with 16 6.5liter pots giving clones about a week veg im filling up the tent very good and have to do abit of pruning at the bottom to get some ligth inbetween and yield is quite good..but i want to cut the number of plants down to 5-6 becaus of the current laws in my country who only count plants not weight

So i want to run about 5-6 plants in coco and still get a descent yield,any one here who can help me with a nice settup,how big pots?how long to veg? etc

appreciate all answers and help:-)



Active Member
i run 6 plants i 3 gallon dwc homemade buckets. with one cooltube600watt.
yeild about 3oz per.

4 weeks veg