Help with my skinny buds

Cereal box

Active Member
I could be wrong, but I don't thinks it's a potassium deficiency. His leaves seem to be really healthy, albeit pretty dark but, other than that I see no signs of deficiency. The dark leaves could just be the strain. I ran a bag seed 12/12 fs experiment and it had really dark leaves with no toxicities or deficiencies and yielded extremely well for my set up. Just throwing out my 2 cents. If he removed healthy fans leave directly at bud sites I think it's more likely that, that was the problem.


Well-Known Member
im not seeing any leaf burn so you are not overfeeding. i would look at trics and see where they are at if you have 2 weeks then up the bud nutes. even some molasses. feed them full strength now. and at this point adding h2o2 would only help any good bacteria isnt needed for the last few weeks. and h2o2 doesn't kill all bacteria and helps the roots allot.


New Member
Thanks guys for all the advice, after reading through and looking at the majority of comments im pretty sure its because ive removed the majority of fan leafs on the bud like a fucking trout!
Ive been looking at the areas on the bud that havnt join up around the stalk, and the majority of them are where ive removed the fans. Other sections of the bud where the fan leafs remain are joining nicely.
I will check all nuts levels and check quality of water again as i still think they should be fatter regardless and it does not help when growing from unknown or supposed to be cuttings either. Ive just popped open some big bud seeds and want to iron out all the tweeks before growing a known and documented strain.

Thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
even the good strains are not always great you have to grow out a few to find keepers. i would go ahead and start with the good beans as long as you know how to germinate.


Well-Known Member
even the good strains are not always great you have to grow out a few to find keepers. i would go ahead and start with the good beans as long as you know how to germinate.
yes i popped 5 blueberries and im seeing this. 1 is 60 sativa 40% indica. 1 is 70% sativa 30% indica. 2 are 80-90% indica. so Ill have to clone them all and see what smokes the best. i like yeild but ill take quality any day. 2 of them omg are huge they double in size almsot every day. unreal my gf and other friend cant believe it. im hardly believing it. okay time to rotate plants and water again bbiab.