help with my seedling! strange looking leaves

hi, i have just started i think my 6th grow. i have kept everything the same as the previous grows, in canna coco coir using canna a&b nutrients. the seed sprouted no problem as always now about 3 weeks on its looking like none I've ever seen before. i have attached pictures to show this.. as you can see the leaves are very small, rounded and almost clustered together with a little yellowing.
any ideas on what could be causing this, i have never experienced this problem before.

as i am using coco as a medium i gave it a very weak 8th strength nutrients after just over a week and a half as i find the growing to be slow/almost non existent without nutrients at an early stage with coco. this is something i have always done with no problems.

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Silky T

Well-Known Member
hi, i have just started i think my 6th grow. i have kept everything the same as the previous grows, in canna coco coir using canna a&b nutrients. the seed sprouted no problem as always now about 3 weeks on its looking like none I've ever seen before. i have attached pictures to show this.. as you can see the leaves are very small, rounded and almost clustered together with a little yellowing.
any ideas on what could be causing this, i have never experienced this problem before.

as i am using coco as a medium i gave it a very weak 8th strength nutrients after just over a week and a half as i find the growing to be slow/almost non existent without nutrients at an early stage with coco. this is something i have always done with no problems.

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I had one do this, this past week, and gave it up for dead. But the strangest thing happened. I trimmed all the dead and left the little bit of green that wasn't yellow and put it outside. it rained for two days in the afternoon but had sunny days. Two days later, she's perky and growing strong. Less is more sometimes..


Well-Known Member
One would have to know more. Could just be bad genetics. Also room temperature and watering schedule could be factors. I always start my seedlings in smaller containers to insure the root zone stays nice and warm and to cut back on water waste.
One would have to know more. Could just be bad genetics. Also room temperature and watering schedule could be factors. I always start my seedlings in smaller containers to insure the root zone stays nice and warm and to cut back on water waste.
yeah sorry i forgot to mention that i started it off in a smaller pot and just put it in a larger one today for reasons i don't actually know haha but there was quite a few roots poking out the bottom and thought maybe it would be better if it could stretch its legs so to speak.

as for watering i just water as and when it needs it, in my first grow i tended to overwater so i just water it by going on how the soil looks and the weight of the pot.
maybe it could be too cold ill try and bring the hear up and see how that pans out