help with my grow


aight im growin som random seed that i dnt even kno what it is but i germinated it in soil and its sprouted in 3 days. what i want to know is if you just took some soil from a pot outside and used that would it be alright? is there anything i should add to it. also last time i had germinated a seed the root was pushing the seed up out of the soil so i just kept adding more soil and last how long does it take to grow its first leafs. im growing under a 20watt light (need to get more) and keeping them on it 24/7 and watering it once a day with tap. any advice would be nice


Well-Known Member
Yes, it´s perfectly OK to use any old crap.
I assume that this is

@sk8ers it is not a good idea to use just any old soil man, pick up some descent potting soil at a garden shop or a HD.
Do not cover the seed when it pops out! That's normal! When the seed pops out, the shell will fall off, and that is where the leaves will begin to grow!
Buy some pH equipment and keep your pH around 6-7...
