Help with my Grow Tent

x iGrow x

Active Member
I have a 4'x4'x7' grow tent, and I am going to be purchasing a 1000 Watt Kit for the tent.. I'm just wondering what it would take to cool this..

My thoughts were a 1000 Watter with a 6" inline for outake with a carbon filter, and a 4" inline fan for intake.. I was thinking of setting it up like this..


Is this the most efficient way of doing this??.. What would you recommend to keep this setup smell free and cool??


Well-Known Member
If your tent has intakes at the bottom, you can more than likely get by without the intake fan ( save a bit on energy and noise ) the 6" fan will be dampened down abit by the filter and the intakes at the bottom should allow for a decent low level of negative pressure to help the filter work more efficiently. Sometimes the intake can push just a bit more than the exhaust (a bit positive) and that can defeat a carbon filter in a hurry.

Peace and Great Grows


match box

Well-Known Member
I have my fans just like your plan. With just the out take fan on I can drop temp 10 deg. My grow room is 4x8x7 and I run 2 600wat lights.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Thanks for the input guys :lol:.. I've actually decided to go with two 600 Watters (cool tubes) in a 4x4.. Which is a little overkill but whatever.. Im thinking now of running the same exhaust but having my carbon filter at the end of the second light, then ducting to the other light, and ducting straight into the 6" Inline/Turbo Fan from the first light (My bad btw, I've always called the Turbo's, Inline fans, but I think were talking about the same thing).. Since its hard to explain.. Heres another awesome sketch done with paint ;-)


Is this a better way?.. What do you guys think??

x iGrow x

Active Member
Ohh i forgot to mention I will have speed controllers for both fans.. So the 4" intake will always be much lower than the outake.. Im hoping this wil counteract the pressure problems and leave the tent with a negative pressure..

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys :lol:.. I've actually decided to go with two 600 Watters (cool tubes) in a 4x4.. Which is a little overkill but whatever.. Im thinking now of running the same exhaust but having my carbon filter at the end of the second light, then ducting to the other light, and ducting straight into the 6" Inline/Turbo Fan from the first light (My bad btw, I've always called the Turbo's, Inline fans, but I think were talking about the same thing).. Since its hard to explain.. Heres another awesome sketch done with paint ;-)

View attachment 2493923

Is this a better way?.. What do you guys think??
Using cool tubes is absolutely better. 1200 watts in a 4x4 is a fuck load, probably a bit overkill. I would go with a single 600 watt in a 4x4 tent. what you lose in watts you will make up for with a cooler temp and less energy usage. I have 1000 watt in a 4x4 and it is difficult to keep cool.

also im not sure the intake is necessary. the tent will be under negative pressure and will bring in enough air through passive intake.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Yeah I knew it was a little overkill :lol:.. I thought about just having one 600, but i figured that a 1000 Watter would yeild more, due to there being more watts.. Would this be true or would a 600 yeild around the same in a 4x4??.. If it is around the same then I will just do that.. Also, I heard someone say before @Asmallvoice it think said it, but the flaps at the bottom of the tent, would they be enough to bring in enough fresh air, instead of the 4" intake??.. I was also worried about the flaps being opened during the dark period because there will be other lights on in the room that the tent is located, and I don't want a crop of hermie's due to lght leaks..

Thanks in advance guys


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about hermies. I dont even zip the front bottom of my flowering tents, I just leave it open. I haven't had a hermie in a tent ever.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Ohh right on man.. Looks like I'll probly be getting a 600Watt Cool Tube and No outake.. Thatd awesome.. Cut down on the expenses :mrgreen:..

The only other thing I wasn't sure of is whether ot not 2 600 Watters yeild a decent amount more than just one?.. Or would it be worth it to just run 1 600W?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You could always add another one later. I think you will have issues getting the heat out of a 4x4 tent with 1200 watts in it though. If you can get the heat out and keep it a reasonable temp then you will yield great.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Perfect, thanks incognito.. Im going to get my 600 Cool Tube and Fan and Filter today.. The input was much appreciated as always at RIU :mrgreen:
For the flaps vents on the tent you can always build a light box with baffles that stop the light but allows for air movement, this will take away any concerns with light leaks.


Active Member
i run 1000 air cooled watermelon hoods and inline duct fans from home depot. they pull 250cfm and a 4x4x7 is roughly 120cf so there will be lots of air being exchanged. i dont use a filter neighbors all know and grow too lol. i never have light leak problems either. use insulated black a/c ducting for exhaust. my avitar is a 4x4 w7 sour patch kids and 2 cali connection bubbas. should get 450-500 grams based on past experience. good luck

x iGrow x

Active Member
Just got back from getting my HPS Cool Tube.. And 6" Outake.. Now just gotta get some bigger pots and more nutes :mrgreen:.. Ill throw a pic up once I get everything setup.. Thanks for all the help guys/gals