help with my first grow

hi all i am wanting to start my first grow but am a complete novice, what equipment will i need an how many plants should i be doing in a space of 16ft x 8ft. Your help please


Well-Known Member
You are going to need some serious equipment to fill that space. As Hoenhiem said, start small for your first grow. Can you divide the area in half?


Well-Known Member
I would also highly suggest you read and get all the information you can on growing.

Its not simple.. but then again, its not rocket science either.

But, in order to have a successful grow... you'll need to AT LEAST know the basics of growing cannabis.

some things you may want to look up and do research on:
1. germination
2. phases of a cannabis plants life
3. organics nutrients
4. harvesting
5. properly drying the harvested buds
6. properly curing the harvested buds

there are other things you'll need to know.. like how to check the PH levels, etc...

I would start with those though. If you don't know how to germinate.. then you won't be able to grow, period.. as the first step in the plants life, starts with germination. Germination is what brings the plant out of the seed casing.. and brings the plant to life. So be sure and look that subject up first.

good luck.



You will need pellets and a 250watt grow lamp and 4 pots and soil use miracle grow. After 2 months Buy timer switch and put your plant on 12 hours light 12 hours sleep and your plant will start to flower within 2 and half weeks you should start to sea white hairs starting 2 appear when this happens you need to keep it on 12/12 hour a day and make sure you give it a lot of water so it grows real good.if you want you could buy a automatic air pump and plug it in to a timer switch and it will water it for you


Active Member
Hey there my friend,
As my fellow r,u,i,'s just said get as much info as you can coz even when you've spent hour's and hour's of reading up about this, that, and how can i do this' you'll find that its like if you havn't read anything coz you still seem lost, thats how it was for me. I would say to go over this site afew times to get a better understanding coz these guys on here can grow, let me tell you/you'll find that out for your self when your going through the site and dont forget to read the stickys coz theres alot of good info in there.
I hope that everthing here the guys and myself have said here will help you on your way, best wish,s fella scunk