Help with my first grow


Active Member
I am germinating seeds right now for my first grow and some say you should wait till the seed first cracks and I also remember hearing to wait until a root starts to form. I am using the paper towel method for lowryder #2 seeds outdoors. I hear that these plants yeild more outdoors but could be wrong we'll see I'll keep everyone posted on how the plants are doing. Does anyone have a picture of a seed that is ready to be planted in soil?


Well-Known Member
Lowryder 2 is a great strain mainly because you can have it on 24 hour light all the way through flowering, meaning faster bud. You should wait till the seed cracks, then stick it in whatever you plan to grow it in with the little white root tip facing down.


Well-Known Member
crap I have pics but not of the seeds after germination and root is out. I have pics of paper towel, seeds , water , plastic bag, BUT CRAP I FORGOT TO SNAP ONE OF THE SEEDS IN THE TOWEL WITH ROOTS COMING OUT! Sorry bro , but just wait till you see them come out then place them in your medium.

If I can do it you can

good luck and keep us posted