Help with my first grow tent setup


Active Member
Posted a similar thread but in the wrong section, and wasn't really asking the right questions.

I would like to know what else I would need to START growing. As a first time grower I barely know what I'm getting into and would like suggestions on what to buy. Not just that I need a fan, but what type and size should I get?

So far I ONLY have

Grow Tent-

Light System-

The tent is 48 x 24 x 60 (in inches). I went with that light system as it was a complete set and simple + cheap. Could someone take a look at pictures of the tent I bought and suggest a setup? I do want a filter for the odor, and I have a $1000 budget (give or take). Even though this will be my first grow I would like this to be a professional small setup. I DO plan to expand once I get the basics down and no longer have to ask questions. The current tent and light system I bought will work for now as I don't plan to do anything with it besides experiment and learn from mistakes.

Please provide an explanation on why I might need some things beside the obvious needs (fans, filter, ph meter, etc)


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I thought we were giving you some decent advice in the newbie central really need to research within RIU ...then ask specific questions....what you are asking for could take an hour to type


Well-Known Member
Like Sun King said, you need to do some homework... however, I'm running a 24 plant perpetual in the same size tent, so you might glean some valuable info from the two links in my signature.



New Member
Not a plug, just some help!



New Member
Hi I am looking for some help about optimal growing. I have a grow tent inside my sleepout the sleep out has been sealed from the inside and have boarded up the window. I have squeezed a large air tube up the bottom of the window between the window and board. The window has vents so I can access outside air, the tube runs to a powered fan then more tube from the fan runs into the bottom port hole of my tent so there's outside air being sucked and blown into my tent so that's fresh intake right, so then on the other side of the tent at the top I have a outake/exhaust fan sucking and blowing the fresh air back out the tent and that just gets dispersed into my sleepout to the outer room which is sealed unless I open the door to get in and out of room. I have no carbon filter/air conditioning/or CO2 producer or anything like that and as far as I'm concerned if I am able to get fresh outside air in I'm fine, so I think my setup is perfect right so my question is..... am I doing anything wrong because I've been growing for while now and they always vege healthy with nice shiny dark green leaves but once they go into flower the start budding they do fine for a wee bit but then always take a turn for the worst and start getting sick like a stunned growth or something the buds don't yield as much as they should they literally start dying I can't stand it its so disappointing when they look so good during vege. I put it down to a weak strain but I can't help think it might be my grow tent room setup what am I doing wrong guys please help? thanks


New Member
Thank you for your reply and please excuse my grammar not used to writing on websites like this. I guess i was sorta thinking i had my ventilation all wrong and someone might pick up what I may be doing wrong, things like ? should i seal off where the exhaust fan is and the tent will only have the intake like a pressurized fresh intake i dont know lol, Or? cut of intake and only leave exhaust, Or? just seal the tent all together i just dont know i guess i am pretty noob by i gotta try something different sick of always getting into 1 month into flower then they get sick like they are missing or getting too much of something. I dont feed them plant food anymore just water for last couple grows but same results everytime i lucky to get half ounce of each plant and the buds arent very solid or filled out as they should be its been the same strain every grow may i also add they dont grow very fast the have like a stunned growth their whole life span


New Member
Funny you should say that I have still got some this miracle grow all purpose plant feed left its like blue sugar looking stuff i stopped using it to eliminate whats has been going on with my plants i thought the miracle grow was causing the problem. I just have them in PB 40's size with my local plant store plain soil

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
jonda....this is grenwall's second thread...and you just high-jacked this one as well his first (not to mention cut/paste your own post)...why can't you start your own thread....or at least high jack somebody else

ii dP ii

to OP... not sure exactly what you're asking... sounds like you know what you need as far as the basics go.. why not just buy all that. get it set up and see what your room does? then decide what ELSE you need.

just to be clear; you have a tent and a light.

you now need:
exhaust fans
circulation fan(s)
carbon scrubber
nute lineup

not sure of anything else you'd need yet because you don't know how well your grow room performs with just the basics.

you might need an A/C unit, or a heater, or a dehumidifier. we don't know. lets see what you can do then we can help you figure out how to make it better.