Help with my DIY Aero Cloner


Ok, so i've read about 20 DIY's on aero cloners and am coming up with one of my own, to me using neoprene or similar inserts seems to be the the best way to go but where do you guys find those things? is it somthing home depot or lowes would have or am i going to have to go to the hydro shop? (it's pretty far) Also the basic principal of an aero cloner is have the pump submerged in water and the sprayers above? how far from the lid of my container do the sprayers have to be? Any thoughts on a pump with a low GPM spraying at a close distance? I'm trying to make a really short one roughly 6"-10" tall so i can fit it easily onto a shelf system. Just looking for any ideas and peoples two cents. Thanks :peace:

Definetly will post a DIY when i figure this thing out :joint: