HELP WITH MY AEROFLO2...looked everywhere for an answer


Active Member
Hey guys ive browes these forums for a while and never really posted anything.

I have never truly flushed my system and now i have a lot of salt buildup. I am planning on flushing in a few days. How do u flush this thing without taking off the lid of the rez? the drain on the other side of the pump is completely useless unless u drain it straight down.i have read everything off this link: Aeroflo2 60 help!! how do you drain it?? but the salt buildup is still there. When i open the small black lid on the chambers i can see a lot of salt just sitting there.i have had plain ro water and my PPM is still at 1100.... i even tried mixing the salt around with a spoon so it will mix with the water and drain into the rez. but the problem still continues i see the same thing again in a few days btw i can see the same salt buildup in the bottom of the rez. when i mix it up in the rez it just settles back down to the bottom. i tried the Clearex thats a bunch of bullsh1t it didnt do thinking about buying some more hydrogen peroxide possibly up the dosage? any help or feedback would be appreciated


Active Member
put a pump on the drain outlet to pull the water out. They have pumps at home depot in the sump pump section that you can use a hose to go from the drain to the pump then a hose from the pump to where ever you want the old water going. You should be draining, rinsing,draining,cleaning the filter, filling, and re-dosing with fresh nutrient weekly or at least every couple of weeks.Then things cant build up


Active Member
Thanks im going to get one for the next crop in a few weeks but what should i do about it at the moment to get rid of the accumulated salt? Its kinda hard to reach in the rez of the areoflo2 to clean without pretty much dismantling the whole thing because the grow chambers sit on top of the rez. Is there any product out there except for the BS clearex to dissolve salts that have worked for others? or i might need a larger dose of it but i followed all the directions of the container...


Active Member
Dear PunjabiPurps,

I thought I'd chime in with a few helpful tips regarding your salt buildup issues, as well as the many ways i've delt with drainage issues.
For starters we must discuss nutrient selection with this system. The aeroflo2 system works best by far with a full synthetic line of nutrients, ones whom's ability to fall out of an aqueous solution is less likely, is clear, and contains ample amounts of all macro and micronutrients. It's important to note that although this system moves a lot of water "80LperMin", the water in the tank farthest away from the pump sometimes can become pretty still, causing nutrient salt fallout. Keeping the nutrient in the tank moving by using air pumps and stones, several per panda res helps reduce this fallout in the res and keep the O2 levels up.. Another thing that can help stop fallout is an auto top off valve. Because there is a constant level of solution in the tanks provided by a RO filter, the PPM falls as plants use nutrient, and water, but the level does not. Adding RO dilutes the aqueous solution, as the plants concentrate it by using water, and some nutes. (They will use more water then nutes) When using a auto topoff valve and a RO filter it is wise to also install a PH doser to keep your PH in check. This seems like alot, of extras I know, but remember, this is one of the most expensive, and hardest systems to run, and comes with none of the side tools to make it possible to have a life, and succeed.. hands down.:shock:
In-between nute res changes that should be done every week, I also like to use a 3ml/gal solution of Hydrogen Peroxide. Oxidizing the bacteria and anything growing will leave the system sterile and help break down this built up NaCl. When you are done with your grow run a 20ml/gal solution to eat away any buildup in the lines... I like to let this run for 24hrs.
As far as the flush, you want the system to drain and fill as quickly as possible because as anyone knows with this system, a simple task like swapping the res can take 4+hours.. This being said I am a fan of having a 175gal nutrient storage/mixing tank. This way the day before you want to do your swap you can mix your tank separate from the system, aerate the solution in the tank, PH, and also be able to move a much larger volume of water faster due to the large opening in the top/ flip it over and mount it upsidown high as you can with 2x4's.:arrow: Hook the tank up to a 1 inch or larger PVC connect and pipe it into your system. with that size PVC you can drop the new nutes via gravity fast as shit.
In getting the nutrient out, the cheapest fastest way would be to attach a pvc valve to the end of the supply tube on the flo and pipe it to a drain or outside using the same size tubing as the distribution lines on the flow. not using the res drain provided
As far as getting the last inch out, I used to leave it in there, fill her up with tap water, add my 3-4ml/gal of Hydrogen Peroxide run her, shut her down after 15 min, and re-drain back down to the inch. The little H2O2 left over in that inch won't hurt anything, and the mineral content contained in that small amount of tap water provides something for the nutrient salt to link onto, keeping it more soluble. You can then dump in the new nutes from your mixing tank already mixed to proper PPM and PH.

Hopes this helps you along with your problems, and remember. The best way to end up an Aeropro is collecting the side systems that keep this main system stable.


Well-Known Member
I used a wetvac with great success, it also comes in great handy for spills/cracks and other
such mishaps. I would sometimes drain with the wetvac to completion, refill with straight h2o
run for a day then drain again and refill with nutes.