help with my 1st outdoor grow


Active Member
im startin my bag seed off with the paper towel method,and im puttin them in the ground when they are ready,ive dugg up about6-8inchs of the ground and im going 2 put sum bananna peels in the ground and i wantd to use fish that i caught from the pond is there anything i need to know any help is aprreciated


Well i'm growing outside and i have 6ft tall wooden polls and fencing around them. This is for DEER! i have so many deer were i live it sucks....they will anything you can't grow anything they even eat tree if you don't have a deer or animal problem near where you live you should be ok. Outside is great just keep in mind if it's in the wood that nobody sees you go there and it's well hidden so you don't get busted or robbed.


Active Member
yea for nutes,,i used fish once before with a 5gallon pot & it turnd some bullshit plants into SOME FIRE
nah but i do want to experement with different nutes, egg shells, maby even my fishes food could do the same for my plant as it does my fish who knows? i think that the actual fish has to really decay into the soil before its helpful tho, and i heard that egg shells need to be crushed really fine.

Im trying to think of other make-shift nutes you could collect....maby ill think of some later.