Help with Mimosa Hostilis!


Active Member
I recently bought some mimosa hostilis on ebay. The page looked pretty legit, but when I finally got it, it said "MIMOSA PUDICA NATURAL PIGMENTS-DO NOT EAT!" on the outside of the bag. I don't know if this is because it had to go through customs, or if the guy is just a dbag and I've been tricked. Anyone have any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've heard of people shipping entheos under other names...
Its not like the chems to extract with will cost you much.. just do it.


Ursus marijanus
If it's pinkbrown bark you're ok.
When I had some it was remarkably hard. I cut it with hardcore pruning shears, then ran a coffee grinder to the redline grinding it.
The extract was the real deal.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
If its slightly purple bark or powder you have mimosa... Like ANC said they could have just put a different name on the packaging.
Natural Pigment is also referring to the purple dye you can make with mimosa hostilis