Help with Master Kush Soil CFL Grow



I put my bigger plant into vegging April 29th and my second plant 4 days later. I am currently growing in a fairly getup setup by I have plenty of ventilation, air flow, humidity is better then before and lots of light (6 CFL's).

I just noticed my plants turning yellow and drooping. This was after 2 days where I didn't water them as I have been keeping a regular watering schedule. They are also on 24/7 light.

They are planted in a perlite and soil mixture. The soil is .08-.12-.08 and I have not given them any ferts or purchased any for fear of making a mistake.

Today they looked really bad. the bottom four leaves on the bigger plant are turning yellow but the top leaves look great (one set has slight yellowing) the other is doing the same. They both look fairly droopy right now. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


2011-05-23 13.13.18.jpg2011-05-23 13.13.35.jpg2011-05-23 13.13.45.jpg



Active Member
1) You'll need bigger pots. Also, don't be scared to fill that pot up with soil.
2) What's the pH of your water? Because you haven't fed any nutes yet, it might be that your water is too hard/soft.
3) Next time, make sure to peel away that netting from the peat pellet. It can restrict the roots.
4) What are the temps? Could it be too hot?

The fact that the bottom leaves are turning yellow first leads me to believe it's your water.

edit: I also wanted to mention, that you could have good ventilation, but the plant is so low in the pot that air flow might not be getting down to the bottom. When you transplant into a bigger pot, make sure to get the soil to roughly, 1" from the top of the pot. That way the plant isn't down in the pot like that.


Well-Known Member
I am also growing master kush seeds. I think your ready hit them with a little bit of nutes. My bottom leaves started to turn yellow and i hit it with nutes and it was fine after that. Also your light is either too close or too hot it looks like.


I will make sure I don't make these mistakes again.

I will be transplanting to bigger pots tomorrow (Holiday today in Canada).

Thanks. Any other insights are welcome.


So I moved the plants further away from the lights. They are looking much better. They lost a few lower leaves but otherwise are looking much healthier. They are staying in the small pots for a few more days then I am going to transplant and start them on nutes.

Both plants started growing better and looking greener. The soil was also moist for a longer time. I removed a light that wasn't important right now.