help with lumens???


Active Member
i am growing 4 plants in my closet in soil they are all about 3 weeks old and arent growing very fast i have 2, 4 ft flourescent tubes putting out around 2600 lumes and i just bought a 200 watt 3,000 lumen cfl (biggest one i could find). how good will this be? i want to get a hps and can get a 400 watt for like 20 bucks but i need a ballest much money for the ballest and where to find? can any one help....



Active Member
hey man, lumens are important but aren't everything, I am running 30 000 lumen now, and growing at a great rate, but all the bulbs are from a hydoponics store and are spec'd to 6400K, the right spectrum (useful light) for the plant to veg, also, i originally had a 10 000 lumen setup (4 bulbs) but had to add lights to bring up the temp in the room which will also help with the end yeild.

Things to consider

Good luck with the grow!


Active Member
oh about the ballest, go to a hydroponics store and they'll tell you what you need, and which bulbs are best for veg and bloom