help with lighting


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of getting a small indoor setup going , i am only familiar with outdoor so i was hoping to get some feedback with suggestions of what light i can purchase between 100 and 400 $$ that will do the job please be specific thanks


Active Member
Heres my opinion...

if your strapped for cash... go with cfls. You can get them anywhere lights are sold. They are cheap and they work well if you have enough.

But the best are either metal halide or HPS. hps lights work really well but if your in a closet or somewhere without vents i would go with M.H. b/c they work just as good as hps but without the heat.

Fluorescents are always an option too. Hope this helped :bigjoint:

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Hey slow down I'm still trying to figure out how to get coffee.
Ok check out my site below and you will see I use T-5s in veg. They can be used for flowering too. They are inexpensive 4 foot 4 bulb (cool blue) $ 170.0o and not much heat at all. Warm red bulbs for flowering are only 17.00 each to replace veg lights. Last issue of high times did a article on fluorencents and said they really make the bud coated with trichomes, just smaller.


Well-Known Member
Yeah t5's rule for the first month of veg... i would get the a 400hps for flowering can get one for about 150 dollars on htg the hydro store, for the new technology your lookig at about 300 dollars for a whole light system w/ a good reflecter, ballast, and bulbs....i didnt have the luxury of getting one yet...but i am gonna get one.... if you want you could just get the t5's(that what i have) and suppliment them with at least 4 cfl's for side lighting....