help with light setup... need a pound


Well-Known Member
ok.. I have a grow space that's about 4'x4'.. I have a 400w MH that I am using to veg 11 plants, and I have a 400w HPS for flowering... Im only letting them get about 2-2 1/2 ft. tall so I can crop by my bday (end of january or so)... and I am growing a strain called Willy Nelson.. supposedly a nice sativa

My question is, do I have enough light to get a pound out of just the 400w HPS? or should I use the 400w MH AND the 400w HPS together? and just move the plants around to get evenly distribute the light?

I am also growing in a very good soil with food that costs about $50 per bottle.. I have grown before, but I need to know if there is anyway I can increase yields by just adding the 2 lights together..


Well-Known Member
Lmao. A pound of a sativa in a 4x4 space?

first of all, I would get a bigger grow space. And If you were aiming for a pound, you might get a little closer using a nice indica or indica/sativa mix.


Well-Known Member
well.. the space is in a shed, and we just build a reflective barrier around the plants.. It can always be made bigger..

again, my question was, should I add the other light to increase bud output?

and if I decided to grow them twice as big, I could get more than a pound.. you didnt bother to think that the room might be taller than 2 ft? 4x4x8.. but the shed is 10x10x8... haha

I dont need any guff... I just want to know if adding the other light would help or not.. I could grow them hella tall and get pounds.. but I dont have that kind of time...


Well-Known Member
Well, the more light the better obviously. Have you considered doing a sea of green to maximize the yield for thatamount of space?


Well-Known Member
well shit. To answer your question, no, you arent going to get a pound off of the one 600hps.


Well-Known Member
You could add florescents and cfls to the side of your grow, and for the undergrowth. I just doubt you will be harvesting a pound.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. thats why I am only letting them get so tall... under 3 ft... they are already 1 1/2 ft and really healthy and getting some nice bush.. haha.. I dont like to spend months on end growing huge indoor plants, when I can grow SOG all year and grow big ass outdoor plants each summer... every 3 months having a harvest (I only have one room), then 1 huge one every year has worked out great...

Maybe I will give them another few weeks.. I was going to start flowering around dec. 9th or so... maybe I will just wait for xmas and let them get a lil bigger.. I mean.. 11 plants should produce a good amount of dank with 800w of light, all being reflected, in good soil, with great food, and lots of TLC.. That should turn out nicely.. even just 1 ounce per plant would be juicy...


Well-Known Member
and I said 400w HPS and a 400w MH together... like I said.. maybe I will just let them get taller and hopefully I will get at least 10 ozs...


Well-Known Member
You will definately be getting lots of sticky green. So you do a sea of green all year long?


Well-Known Member
I try to... then once per year outdoor.. its under prop 215 and it goes to the club so its good for everyone...


New Member
Well this is really more complicated then just height + watts = high yield
you can get really close to 1 lbs from 600Watts, but you need optimal conditions with Co2 boosting, and addictives to boost production.
if you have less then perfection conditions and not spending much on boosters and ferts, you'll probably need over 1,000 watts to even get over half a lbs.
you also have the absolute minimum space to get close to 1lbs, I've done similiar size with 800watts and got pretty close to 1 lbs (but I spend alot on high quality ferts)


Well-Known Member
I have only 2 super silver haze Sativa's in a 2.5x2.5 closet section under a 400 watt and they cramped, I can imagine how crowded 4x4 with 4 will be.



Well-Known Member
like I keep saying... I have 2 (TWO) lights.. one is a 400w MH and a 400w HPS... I WANT TO USE BOTH.. I have very good nutes and they cost $50+ per bottle for the small ones... the water is ph'd, the soil is the best you can get.... I have the light sooooo cool, that the bulb is cool to the touch, and I can have them about 4" away and not get any burning on the leaves AT ALL... I built a reflective mylar barrier around the children to better reflect the light.. there is more than enough fresh air and the temp is kosher....

again.. would putting the MH and the HPS light on them at the same time yield more pot? even 1 oz per plant will be nice... on top of that... yes.. I am going to grow a lil taller than I had planned, given the fact that an extra 4 weeks of vegging on my sativa's should boost yield a considerable amount...

Right now this is going down in a shed at a friends house around the corner (well, more like brother) for sale the the club... I just need enough to move out of my studio and get a spot where I can put in a spare room..

When I do that, I will be getting 1k HPS and and maybe use my MH or go CFL for veg...

but what do you think of this setup? with everything that I am doing and letting them grow 4 weeks (they are already 1 2/3' tall), should I maybe get 1 oz per plant using the 400w MH and the 400w HPS combined? 800w?


Well-Known Member
I think someone all ready said that yes the more light the better. So yes it would be better to use both 400w systems. Most will say try to reach a goal at .5g per w to 1.0g per w.

With 11 plants you should get min 1/2 z per plant. Max undetermened.

Co2 from what I have read and others have told me will encress your y up to 50%.



Well-Known Member
haha.. sorry... no camera at the moment.. I will try and get some today so youse guyses can see...

where can I get CO2 from? I dont want to buy an expensive gas burner... how long would a bottle last? can I just used compressed air from an air compressor?


Well-Known Member
screw all that... It sounds nice, but I got a few friends that grow hydro and they dont use it.. I know it will increase yield, but that is grip for something I really dont need.. I will just get more light and more plants.. lol