Help with Leaves


Hi I am looking for some help diagnosing this leaves. Sorry I know I have posted these elsewhere but still trying to find an answer.


The first three are examples of the problems leaves on one of my plants. The last is to show you how my healthy ones look.

They are Domina Star plants. Grown in NFT Trays with a 400w HPS Dual Spectrum light. Hesi nutes. 26c, 5.5 - 6.0 ph. 6" tall and still vegging

Any help would be great.


yeah a wee bit. If it is a slight nute burn do i need to flush entirely or can I water down the tank? Just my drill pump doesn't arrive till tomorrow and it will be a bit difficult to change (although it is doable)


Well-Known Member
You'll have to wait for one of the hydro guys to chime in in this, but my guess is watering down the res would do the trick. Just want to lower the EC somehow.


SpicySativa, thanks for your input appreciated and thank you very much halfaweek. Watered it down. Both my ec and my ph monitors arrive tomorrow. I just did have the cash to get all my equipment when I started. Your help is appreciated thanks folks


Active Member
have you tried to tie them up? you want to be careful not too tight as to not cut into the stems, I had my daughter take the padded shoulder straps and also some netting and make me some slings then used the same type of rope I use on the light to raise and lower then just leaned my plants on them...?...might work for you if you can come up with something like that? A trellis could probably be used where they are so big without breaking them use some loose zip ties to hold them to the trellis now im out of ideas
Flush with PHed water. I had the same problem. I flushed and lowered the humidity to around 45-50% and it went away. I am growing in soil tho so hydro may be a little different. I am dealing with leaf problems right now as well that I am associating with nute burn.


Active Member
ok ty dwill, have flushed and put all new in and lowered the temp for some reason the temp keeps climbing even with two fans in there, up to 82 had to unzip the tent to let some cool air in...wonder how long before I know if it worked?....from what I was told starving or locked out can give the same look as nute burn?..still trying to find something to read on that idea from a knowledgable source havent found it yet...but i was told that by the tech at advantage...guess I will know soon enough..between getting the nutes wrong and the heat...I guess It was trying to imitate summer in the tent rolf...good luck let me know how it goes...yea hydro is a bit different than soil I have some in soil too, that are not as bad....thats why I think the heat had some to do with it,