Help with interpreting first soil report / recommendations

Well I know what I've spent on the amendments here & there and hate to be wasteful with what I've got in it so far. I've got way way more than I really need, basically 3 x 33gal brute cans. At any one time I'd use 1 and a little extra. So I'm sitting on 100gal of media basically at this time. And I've invested in the soil analysis and now have the consult findings from BaS coming. And I'm stubborn to top it off and hate to give up/start over. ;-p
Naw, don't waste that much mix, but it does seem toxic as is.

What you could do is make a 1:1 base mix of peat moss and perlite only to cut the mix with and do some 'sperminting' to see what will get you to something you can work with, like 50/50 base to tox or wherever you feel to start.

I really would suggest making one batch of straight peat based mix as sort of a control though. You still have amendments, yes? All you would need is a bale of peat moss and some perlite, or your aeration of choice.

Hope the BaS consult helps out.

Good luck!
Right, I've still got amendments left over for sure. that's why I was contemplating the approach of raising the other levels to get back to a balanced - but very hot - mix. Then I can determine some rate to cut it with something like promix or something peat like you mention.

Any recommendations on what to use to cut with? Anything suitable that wouldn't be a trip to the hydro store or shipping costs being overly prohibitive? Probably not nearly enough and not inert enough but I do have some FFoF and a bag of LightWarrior on hand along with some xtra chunky perlite.
Promix is really nothing more than the base mix I outlined above, peat moss, perlite, and some lime. I have no experience with it (or any bagged mixes), because it didn't exist when I first learned to make my own mix 45+ years ago. The company that makes it did (Premier), and I have used their peat moss over the years, or, Lambert peat moss. Lowes or HD will have either. A 3.8cf bale is ~$13 at either place.

A bit harder to find at first is the 4cf bags of perlite. I'm in a small town of ~20k and there are still 2 places that carry it, a Feed & Seed and a builders supply. Perlite is also used as insulation, but is exactly the same as the horticultural grade. The 'chunky' is actually less effective than the regular stuff. Price is ~$18/4cf bag. The local hydro store gets it from the feed&seed and doubles the price to $36. LOL

Dolomite lime is ~$4.50/40lb bag at HD or Lowes.

Mix it yourself and it is well under 1/2 the cost of the promix, plus being a better mix (adequate amounts of both perlite and lime).