Help with Indoor CFL Grow Sexing (1 Plant, Week 6)


New Member
Hello everyone, thanks for the help in advance.

Check out the pictures below, can anyone tell me the sex of this plant, and if the sacs circled in the first picture are male pollen sacs?:
27 - Possible Pollen Sack or No.jpg28.5 Sex.jpg27.5 Normal or No.jpg28 Sex.jpg26.5 Node 2.jpg26.5 Node 2.jpg

You guys are the best, thanks,



Well-Known Member
There are a couple of spots where it looks like there *might* be pistils, but it's too early to really tell, but no, those aren't male parts.



New Member
Thanks everyone...Can anyone help me out with possible strain (unlikely, I know) and whether its Indica or Sativa (I know Indica's are usually shorter and wider leaves, so I'm assuming Sativa)?

I'll upload images from this evening in a minute, hopefully you'll be able to re-evaluate the node areas and see if we have a beautiful young girl! Thanks again for the help.


New Member
And we're back,

Are we being to impatient, or have things changed? I've been on a 12/12 light schedule, would anyone recommend going back to 24 hours of light until sex is visible to the eye? Let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks again friends!:leaf:


code nerd

New Member
I think it looks like an Indica to me.

And, no I wouldn't switch back to 24 hour. Stay on your 12/12 and be patient. Sex can take a while to show.

Code Nerd.


Well-Known Member
no, don't fuck with the light schedule, make sure there are no light leaks during lights out, I even cover up the little red lights on appliance switches ect, and it might take a bit to start but it will happen.


Active Member
Be patient, too early to tell. And as said don't switch the lights. As far as the strain, looks indica dominant to me. Most of the breeds now a days are mutts anyways...


New Member
I'm worried that light may be leaking into my closet during lights out. I put a pillow in front of the door to make sure light does not pass through, and I always keep the lights in that room off during that time as well. Would the light from a TV, 10 feet outside of the closet, leaking through a 1" hole be enough to ruin lights out?

Regardless, thanks for all the help everyone! Look for new pictures within the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
IMO...the whole light leak causing hermis thing is just a breeders way of placin the blame of unstable genetics onto the grower...not if ur fuckin with the ligh cycle alot that might stress a plant to hermi...but the glow from your tv seeping through a crack in ur garden? No.......


New Member
Yeah, I figured that would be the case. This plant seems to be growing pretty healthy, and just slowly becoming sexually mature, so I'll keep it going with the same set up and see how it goes. Thanks dude!


New Member
Good news, we have confirmation. It's a girl. Check out the pictures below, it started sprouting white hairs a couple days ago, and today is the first chance I had to take images. PLEASE let me know your thoughts, and any suggestions.

Thanks again!



New Member
Well friends, it's safe to say it was a female! NOW, any suggestions on where to go from here? I've added another 2 - 23w CFL's, and it's still looking healthy.My concern is that ill be expecting too much buds, and not pick them when I should. How long do you anticipate I should keep going? Any and all help appreciated!

thanks everyone.
