Help with identifying the issue

Although I stand by my thoughts that it is overwatering (not enough time between waterings here), I find the easiest way to add K in small amounts is to use Neptunes Harvest Seaweed ( 0-0-1).
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Do you think it's still overwatering, or underwatering?
She only got 3 liters of water in total in the last 7 days or so. Honestly to me this looks underwatered but i'm still not sure. The leaves are like dry paper, crumbly and bone dry, i feel like the leaves would break if i touch them.
What do you think, should i leave it like this few more days or put water immediately and fully saturate the pot?
The pots are not heavy, they're pretty light and last time i watered was few days ago.


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Do you think it's still overwatering, or underwatering?
She only got 3 liters of water in total in the last 7 days or so. Honestly to me this looks underwatered but i'm still not sure. The leaves are like dry paper, crumbly and bone dry, i feel like the leaves would break if i touch them.
What do you think, should i leave it like this few more days or put water immediately and fully saturate the pot?
The pots are not heavy, they're pretty light and last time i watered was few days ago.

If it's feeling pretty light I'd water it good then let it get light again before the next water.

The droopiness looks more like overwatering than not enough tho. If drying out the leaves hang straight down from the stem and if too much water they get heavy and droop like yours.

Myself, I'd let it dry down until the plant is obviously drying out then water until it is fully saturated keeping track of how much water it takes to do that. Get some decent runoff and subtract that from the total water used so you know exactly how much water it would take to soak it good. Then subtract about 10% from that to know how much water to mix nutes with to saturate without significant runoff.

Drought stress is an actual thing to force the plant to activate defences and improve resin output/yields so don't fret that you'll kill your plant if it gets droopy-dry. Some leaf loss is expected but it's older and near useless leaves the plant won't miss that die.

I vote for drying it out good then air can get in all over to replenish needed oxygen for the roots. I run an airstone in my watering jug for a good hour before using to make sure it has as much O2 as it can hold. A 50w aquarium heater too so it's nice and warm at around 82F which the soil microbes really like.

@OldMedUser Thanks a lot for your help. In the meantime i watered till runoff with 5l of water, so it's too late to take your suggestion, i'm sorry :D I was going to let her dry 1 more day but i'm getting impatient so i went all in, hopefully it's not a mistake. I also added some Bloom nutes. I'll see how it goes in the next few days and i'll post an update here.
Just an update, the plant finally perked up :)
Watered it with 6L until runoff and it took her 2 days to perk up. Also added some Bloom nutes.


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