help with hyrdo nutes


Active Member
Hello, i have recently indulged in the art of hydroponic gardening. my dad hooked me up with a ton of stuff when i moved out, i never got around to using it until now. but never the less i need some help here. he gave me these okanagan blend products. they seem to work good for him very well auctally he had some monsters growing but im not sure how to use them. i would ask my dad but hes in jail :cry:. anyways there are 3 bottles of nutes. they each say something diff

Micro 7-0-1
grow 4-1-6
bloom 0-6-2

now on the bottles it does say how much to mix and stuff but do i use them at diffstages (ie all at once or what idk)



Active Member
yeh i know i was just wondering if anyone had delt with this 3 stage program type thing. i mean if the values on the nutes were higher id just go at it but the values are so low that i was worried about my plants being deficient in something


Well-Known Member
It's a three part nutrient system, just like General Hydroponics Flora series. From what it sounds like, they may be organic, which would account for the low concentration needed according to instructions. Not sure if this is helpful, but I found this website which may be of use. With any three part system, you use all three components to varying ratios throughout the entire duration of the grow.

The micro contains your micronutrients, which are important.



Uses the Rollitup profile
Exactly. And they are meant to be used together, to make a complete nutrient. They come separately because they cannot be combined in their concentrated form and still be useful to the plant. You can adjust the amount of each for the stages of growth.

HTH :mrgreen: