help with how many watts i need


im an outdoor gardener and the seasons up so i decided to move inside, but in a very small box. ive already build the steel box and itsaproximatly 1 square foot. atm i have a 23 wat cfl in it with a cpu fan that works pretty well, but im worried that i dont have enough wattage can someone explain how many watts per square foot please?( im only trying to grow a couple tiny plants).


New Member
The general rule is 10,000 lumens per square foot but u can make so with 7000 but with cfl I would go overboard as they lack intensit. A 150w hps would do u well. Even a 70 watt


New Member
And 1 sq ft isn't a whole lot of space to work with maybe a micro or stealth grower can chime in. I'd say a 70-150w hps and some autoflowering strains would do well


The general rule is 10,000 lumens per square foot but u can make so with 7000 but with cfl I would go overboard as they lack intensit. A 150w hps would do u well. Even a 70 watt

yea i might try just a 42 watt cfl because i have limited space, but when i get my own place im definetly getting the real deal