Help with grow box rebuild exhaust


Hi All,

Been looking and reading up on the forums for some time now. I've started my first grow in a Vinyl Case ( about 13 inches high, 12 inches wide and about 5 inches depth ) - growing lowryder and lowryder 2 x ak47.

Ive had numerous attempts at growing, with failure after the first week or so, but am doing well on a week since planting and my babies are looking ok, just a little bit stretched maybe.

So down to the point, my growbox is a bit shoddy on the inside, and im a bit worried when my babies start to flower about the smell.

So, just a question, am I able to rebuild the growbox with NO exhaust, 2 pc fans inside and a humidifier? At the moment the temp is 85F with 3 footlong fluro tubes.

Would having no exhaust kill my plants? even if i open up the box say once a day?

Cheers in advance.



Well-Known Member
having no exhaust will not kill the plans as long as u have some what of an air flow u should be ok, if u really are worried about smell u should invest some money in some exhaust's with a filter or something.:leaf:


yeh ive been looking at carbon filters, will prob rebuild the box in another case then and get an odor eater inside it. light floods out the holes too, so prob best to keep the box sealed :)


Active Member
do you have an intake fan, the plants need fresh air to grow, they use the co2 in the air to grow just like any other plant and if your intaking then you need to exhaust.
id try to open the box a few more times per day if you want a decent plant.
and that is a very small box the plant will quickly out grow that if you want to flower it, if you rebuild build bigger then have an intake and an exhaust using your pc fans, just put some flexi duct on end of fan and exhaust it outside.

just some ideas you mite be able to use
they wont die but thell be unhealthy i shud think


the problem is really stealth with a low budget, the mrs would freak if she found them. and one place she doesn't go is near my music stuff. hence the record boxes.

at the moment there is an intake fan, and an exhaust. but wanted to rebuild with no holes in the box at all other than for wiring. doesnt lowryder grow well small? should my 13 inches be enough for them?
