Help with gg4.

I literally use 7 and 14 w LED bulbs and get my seedlings to a way further state than that thing. The key is to position the lights close.

I would check the 128w LED for "recommended" lighting distances, and do that by the model #. This will probably be the only light you need for the next 1 to 2 weeks
If you have more seeds try popping another one. It might out perform that one if it was burned from too much light or something. The cost of one seed vs the time a stunted one will take to come back can be negated by popping a few extra and throwing the weak ones out

edit actually those 4 look good. I think you will notice with less light intensity you get more growth
If you have more seeds try popping another one. It might out perform that one if it was burned from too much light or something. The cost of one seed vs the time a stunted one will take to come back can be negated by popping a few extra and throwing the weak ones out

Very true! Though I would not suggest tossing any out. Each new stage in a grow can be a bit challenging for the first couple of grows. Every seed counts!
i agree! Like that one runt might end up in the corner and get watered half the time. It may be hard to compensate nutrient feeding for some but with some experience you can make that runt with the others produce.

Me personally would wait it out the next few weeks whilst figuring out in your brain how it will work out in the end
It's already been said but the light intensity is too high.

750-1000w hps or mh can be mounted close to the ceiling and can effectively cover up to an 8x8 space depending on the hood.

even if you turn your ballast down to 500w your bulb can be 4-5ft from canopy at the growth stage you're at.
So many excellent reply I believe I can save her thanks to all of you another question I do have one more photo period. I believe it's a cherry pie or a Girl Scout cookie when would I be able to start it with this grow?
I’d recommend taking the guesswork out of it. A Lux meter (33 buck on Amazon) really comes in handy for determining how much HID light your plants are getting. I think your way too close. I just tested mine under 750 watts and I’d do 30 inches.

Dr.Meter LX1330B Digital Illuminance/Light Meter, 0 - 200,000 Lux Luxmeter

Download an app for your phone. Works wicked. I use Photometer for Android. Sensor on the phone is probably better then the Amazon thing.