the paper towel method is tried and true. i never even put plates on top. i always put the paper towel in a ziplock and either breathed in it or sprayed co2 form my old paintball gun into it(i thought it would help, dont know if it did or not). that was my old method. i know there are a lot of methods, not only on this thread, but on the web as well. its up to you to find the best method for you. i usually sow them straight in soil, just wet the soil in a solo cup or small pot with good drainage. poke a small hole about 1/4" deep. insert seed knot side up. cover lightly with soil then put a ziplock over the cup. wait a few days and youll have a seedlng! you could speed it up a bit by (this is what i do) placing seed(s) in a CLEAN pill bottle. fill about a 1/2" with water, put it in your closet, forget about it for 2 days or so. by then, if the seeds are viable, you will have your tap root out. plant it and enjoy!!!!