Help with flowering nutes!!

So yesterday my friend gave me some nutes he had ordered but never used.The first one is "Pure blend pro 1-4-5 by botanicare" and the other is called "sweet raw" The first one say to start adding 20ml when you start flowering and it increases a little with every week and the other"sweet raw" say 8ml every week of flowering.

I have 2 plants one is 4weeks in flower and the other just went on 12-12 yesterday. My question is will I start mine on 20ml even though she calls for 25ml on week 4? and as far as I can understand it says to mix with a gal of water, so will I give them the whole 2 gallons of water once a week cause that seems a little mental or will I give it to them throughout that week and I do I need to give regular water as well? Pics below. P.S I know I should have grown the other a little more before I flowered but its getting to far in summer, gets hot here in AUG.. In picd the big one is 4 weeks into flower and other just started yesterday. Both are tie downs. Big one was topped and tied the other was bend over and tied. Any help would be great!!



Well-Known Member
Are they all in the same container?
If so feed them at the lower dose designed for the ones in early stages of flower. better to give the older one a bit less than the younger ones too much.

Water as you have already been doing, every few days of what ever they take to need watering again, add the 20ml plus the 8ml per gallon of water and use like that.

I don't see anything on the nutrient schedule to suggest either should be used only once per week. It just tells you the ml per gallon dosage for the particular week they are in.

Not a soil grower but that's the way the nutrient tables read.
Thanks bud. They are not in same container but I got a good idea here now what to do. Never thought of putting the 2 together in one gal. Thanks for quick reply appreciate it!!